Epidemiology Research Lab


Click on the photos to see academic profiles for staff and Google Scholar profiles for students.

Name Role Topic
Prof Gavin Pereira
Gavin Pereira
co-Head of Lab Epidemiology. Website…
Dr Gizachew Tessema
Gizachew Tessema
co-Head of Lab Reproductive health
Dr Annette Regan
Annette Regan
Project Lead (USFCA) Infectious disease and vaccination
Dr Michael (Luke) Marinovich
Project Lead Health service technology
Dr Amanuel Gebremedhin
Amanuel Gebremedhin
Project Lead Pregnancy complications
Sylvester Nyadanu
Sylvester Nyadanu
Research Associate Air pollution, temperature extremes and health
Jennifer Dunne
Jennifer Dunne
Research Associate Application of simulation in perinatal epidemiology
Dr Bereket Adema
Bereket Adema
Research Fellow (UniSA) Prenatal substance use, offspring addiction and mental health
Dr Damien Foo
Damien Foo
Postdoctoral Research Associate (Yale, USA) Vaccination and child health
Kalayu Mruts
Kalayu Mruts
PhD Candidate Family planning in Ethiopia
Lydia Kaforau
Lydia Kaforau
PhD Candidate Perinatal mortality and morbidity in the Pacific Islands
Dr Kingsley Wong
Kingsley Wong
PhD Candidate Prediction of perintal mortality and morbidity with machine learning
Dr Ravisha Srinivasjois
Ravisha Srinivasjois
PhD Candidate, Neonatologist and Paediatrician Probiotics to reduce morbidity among preterm infants
Tsegaye Haile
Tsegaye Haile
PhD Candidate Incidence and costs associated with of adverse perinatal outcomes in Australia
Kendalem Asmare
Kendalem Asmare
PhD Candidate Investigating trends and risk of prenatal and early life exposures on child development in Australia
Bereket Kefale
*Bereket Kefale
PhD Candidate Under-five mortality in the era of sustainable development goals in low- and middle-income countries: burden and trends
Melaku Birhanu Alemu
Melaku Birhanu Alemu
PhD Candidate Stated preference research on reproductive and sexual health services for adolescents and young people: A discrete choice experiment
Bir Doj Rai
*Bir Doj Rai
PhD Candidate Epidemiology of zoonotic diseases events and their spatio-temporal trends in Bhutan
TBA PhD Candidate Perinatal and pediatric health outcomes following exposure to influenza and other respiratory viruses in utero
Scott Sims *
Scott Sims
PhD Candidate Alcohol-related harm in children and young adults
Marwan Ahmed * PhD Candidate Epidemiology of gestational diabetes in Western Australia
Barbara Zileni * PhD Candidate Continuity of antenatal care in Malawi
Wei Shan (Cassandra) Chong * PhD Candidate Allergens, phenolic composition, and anti-microbial properties of Australian wattle seed species

* Higher degree student research led by an academic external to the lab

Funders of the lab

Affiliations of research leaders

Gavin Pereira 1,2,3,4 Gizachew Tessema 1,2,5

  1. Curtin School of Population Health, Curtin University, WA, Australia
  2. enAble Institute, Curtin University, WA, Australia
  3. Centre for Fertility and Health (CeFH), Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway
  4. WHO Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health Impact Assessment. Faculty of Health Science, Curtin University, WA, Australia
  5. School of Public Health, University of Adelaide, SA, Australia